Friday, April 15, 2016

food nerd

If you want to know all about
the things I like to eat
You could ask real easily
what I think of as a treat

Some macaroons, or little spoons
of almond peanut butter
A couple of cherry jellybeans
yes please I'll have another

A huge delicious hamburger
with a side serving of ale
Crispy bacon french fries
next to a Ceasar salad pale

Jamoca almond ice cream
with a chocolatey fudge swirl
that's the jam that takes the hand
of this consumalicious girl

Maybe you want to feed me
something like truffled goose
with a rare and agéd camembert
from the deck of a caboose

Or pick the peaches off the vine
then slice and serve to me
pistachios, figs, and avacados
olives right off the tree

Mix it up in a great big bowl
with a huge dollop of mustard
smear the rest with spiced hummus
and call me a big food nerd!