Wednesday, April 5, 2023

hanging out

definitely used up 

the quota of 

hanging out


no one special

thinking of


probably going to

keep this ship up

hidden still


those old shoes

making me


hardly thinking on

that empty space

waiting for


one real special

hanging out


Tuesday, April 4, 2023

the con

there's a line in the sand

like the ones on my hand

always out for you.

though we haven't met

i would never regret

what i've meant to you.

others tried to replace

but lacked so much grace

i wished and waited and wept.

the ringing goes on

no time for the con

my name's not been called yet.

Monday, April 3, 2023


I love myself a deadline -

love it to the core.

I can usually juggle 

up to twelve deadlines or more!

I do my little workings,

then just set it free

when it's done enough to send it off

to someone else, not me!

Sunday, April 2, 2023

sure of sunday

 sure of sunday

full of rest

alone and occupied


maybe one day

i'll achieve

super and amazing

i believe

Saturday, April 1, 2023

for a fool

so many things i have done

for some great implied return.

and though there's been some satisfaction,

mostly i've been burned.